Variables contains settings associated with the drawing, defined in the HEADER
All possible variables
By default these variables are set automatically:
The AutoCAD drawing database version number: AC1021 = AutoCAD 2007.$HANDSEED
Next available handle.$INSUNITS
Default drawing units for AutoCAD DesignCenter blocks: 0 = Unitless.$VIEWCTR
XY center of current view on screen.$CLAYER
Save the current layer name.$LASTSAVEDBY
Sets to the package name.
Adding variables
Each variable is specified by a 9 group code giving the variable's name, followed by groups that supply the variable's value:
$NAME // The name of the variable.
10 // First group code
20 // The value assocoated
20 // Second group code
20 // The value assocoated
// And so on...
// These values are random.
Javascript code :
import { DxfWriter } from "@tarikjabiri/dxf";
const dxf = new DxfWriter();
dxf.setVariable("$ATTMODE", { 70: 2 });
// $ATTMODE is the name of the variable
// 70 is the group code
// 2 is the value to be set.
dxf.setVariable("$PLIMMAX", {
10: 20,
20: 30,
}); // This variable accept tow group codes and tow values
- The object passed as values is key value paired, the key is the group code and value associated with it.
- If you try to add a variable already added, its values will be updated.